Frequently Asked Questions

Wat moet ik doen als ik een wit scherm krijg bij het openen van de Birth-Watch app?

Dit heeft te maken met de updates van uw computer of telefoon. U dient de geschiedenis en/of cache op uw computer te wissen of op uw telefoon de app te verwijderen en opnieuw te installeren via de appstore of playstore. Nadien zal de app correct openen en kunt u gebruik maken van Birth-Watch.

How can I save my horse's data?

The data is automatically saved in the Birth-watch app. You can view this via the Birth-watch app at "archive".

How can I stop the transmitter measurements?

By choosing the horse in question under “archive” and then choosing “set animal to inactive”, the transmitter will no longer transmit measurements.

Can I receive measurements from several horses simultaneously?

Yes, that is possible. Multiple transmitters can be paired to your receiver at the same time. Each transmitter has a unique transmitter code so that they do not interfere with each other.

Can I use the transmitter on any horse or pony?

No, it is not possible to use a transmitter with a probe length of ± 18 cm on ponies smaller than 1.25 m. For ponies with a height of less than 1.25 m, a transmitter with a short probe is of ± 10 cm developed. The transmitter with short probe is also not suitable for ponies or horses larger than 1.25 cm, to get the correct measurements you must use the transmitter with the probe of ± 18 cm.

I don't have an internet connection with my horse, how can I still install Birth-watch?

If you do not have an internet connection at your disposal, you must connect the 4G SIM card to your receiver. The 4G SIM card is not included as standard, but is optional. You can contact Hafaro (the Netherlands) or Luc Lierman (Belgium) for this.

The mare's temperature has suddenly dropped 0.4 degrees Celsius or even more, but I don't expect a foal. How is that possible?

It is possible that the transmitter is not seated properly in the vulva, so check the transmitter and your attachments of the harness. It is also possible that the horse has drunk a lot of (cold) water, causing the body temperature to drop quickly for a few minutes. This will also rise back to normal within a few minutes. So you don't have to take any action.

The transmitter is dirty from the horse's faeces. Do I have to or can I clean this?

It is fine to clean and/or disinfect the transmitter a few times a week. You can remove the transmitter from the horse, clean/disinfect it and put it back in without any problems. Put your transmitter on hold in the meantime so as not to receive a false alarm due to the fact that the ambient temperature is too low and do not forget to put it back online afterwards.

I receive a phone call but the last measurement was within the set values ​​and less than 15 minutes ago. How is that possible and what should I do now?

Birth-Watch has built in a number of protections. When the power or internet connection your receiver is connected to is unstable or even broken, Birth-Watch will warn you. A telephone call without the temperature giving cause for this can only be the result of an interrupted mains voltage or internet connection of your receiver. In short, your receiver has (temporarily) been out of operation and can therefore no longer receive measurements. It is important that you check your internet and/or power connection of your receiver. However, in many cases this is a very temporary failure of the internet network. If the receiver remains offline, check your internet. If you do have internet but the receiver still remains offline, please contact your Birth-Watch supplier. After the receiver is online again, provided that you have also entered the SMS option under “destination”, you will also receive a notification via SMS: “Device KIM……came online” After this notification has been received, you will receive measurements again and you do not need to do anything else more to do.

I get the message “device KIM….. went offline” via SMS. What should I do now?

Birth-Watch has built in a number of protections. When the power or internet connection your receiver is connected to is unstable or even broken, Birth-Watch will warn you. A telephone call without the temperature giving cause for this can only be the result of an interrupted mains voltage or internet connection of your receiver. In short, your receiver has (temporarily) been out of operation and can therefore no longer receive measurements. It is important that you check your internet and/or power connection of your receiver. However, in many cases this is a very temporary failure of the internet network. If the receiver remains offline, check your internet. If you do have internet but the receiver still remains offline, please contact your Birth-Watch supplier. After the receiver is online again, provided that you have also entered the SMS option under “destination”, you will also receive a notification via SMS: “Device KIM……came online” After this notification has been received, you will receive measurements again and you do not need to do anything else more to do.

I get a message, the temperature readings are normal, but the status bar below the readings says “Offline”. How is that possible and what should I do?

Birth-Watch has built in a number of protections. If the receiver has not received a measurement for more than 15 minutes, a notification will occur. It is sometimes possible that some measurements do not arrive, possibly due to the (too) large distance between transmitter and receiver or due to an external interference. Initially you do not need to take any action and Birth-Watch will restart itself. In the meantime, observe your mare carefully, because you have no control via BirthWatch until the next measurement comes in.

How can I stop the transmitter when the horse goes into labour, and how can I use the same transmitter for another horse afterwards?

You can stop the channel by going to “archive” and clicking on the relevant animal. You can set the animal to inactive here. The transmitter now no longer gives measurements and is now free for use, possibly for another animal. To use the same transmitter for another animal, choose “animals > add animal” and go through the 3 steps.

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